Of Labor for unbiased intervention on their unethical business practices

No HR dept so you will have to go to the Dept. Time, labor and resources are wasted on multiple meetings a day to complain about problems rather than strategize solutions and actually take feedback on employee needs Stuck living in their glory days and not equipped to compete with other hair dye brands in the market today All decisions made by management are based on emotion and/or ego, never on what would benefit business progression Installed Spyware on employee laptops to track activity and further create distrust amongst staff Micromanagers don't allow staff to work in peace without fear tactics They'd rather take advantage of the small number of employees they have by burning them out with work outside of their scope of responsibilities rather than grow the team

Poor leadership - actually non-existent leadership Terrible health insurance and benefits package including PTO. Will make you feel awful about taking days off, even if you’re very sick. High stress, extremely toxic, and stretch employees very thin. Little opportunity to move up or increase salary. Significant turnover and upper management won’t look at how they can improve the environment to prevent people from leaving. Management only cares about short term profit and has no long term plan.

If anyone goes against upper managements’ opinions, they will be ostracized and made to feel less than.Ĭonstantly bash competition that’s doing better than them instead of trying to look at why they’re doing better. Owners refuse to adapt to new business practices. They constantly encourage employees to point fingers at each other, only caring about who is at fault and not fixing a problem. The owners do not trust anyone to do their job and think that employees are not doing things properly if it’s not done their way.